Average age
37years old
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Ratio of men and women
Men76% Women24%
Number of annual holidays
(9 consecutive days during Golden Week, 9 consecutive days of summer vacation, 10 consecutive days of New Year’s vacation)
※The results shown are for FY 2023.
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Percentage of paid leave taken
※Survey subjects: Full-time employees granted 20 days of leave
※The results shown are for FY 2023.Read more -
Percentage of employees taking childcare leave
Women100% Men51.9%
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Percentage of employees returning to work following childcare leave
Women100% Men100%
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Attractive Feature of Densotrim
Accidents requiring time off or of higher severity (Head Office)
(Ever since commencement of operations in 1991, we have had no accidents that require an employee to take time off or that are of any higher severity.)